Solidarity action with Rozbrat squat in Poland, Poznan

English | Protesty

Today (2009.04.06) a small group protested in front of the Polish Embassy in Budapest, showing the letters "Save Rozbrat" in a hopefully not so bad Polish. They gave a letter addressed to the ambassador and the city council of Poznan, which was received by the housekeeper and her small child. Rozbrat is one of the oldest squats in Europe and under threat of eviction these days because of an imminent auction. The squat called for an international day of action for May 6th.Today (2009.04.06) a small group protested in front of the Polish Embassy in Budapest, showing the letters „Save Rozbrat” in a hopefully not so bad Polish. They gave a letter addressed to the ambassador and the city council of Poznan, which was received by the housekeeper and her small child. Rozbrat is one of the oldest squats in Europe and under threat of eviction these days because of an imminent auction. The squat called for an international day of action for May 6th.

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