Spain:`Ninguna persona es ilegal! (No one is illegal!)


On 20 Feb around 30 people gathered together in Plaza Nueva Sevilla, protest against the exploitation of Africa and the immigration control. Just 5 days before this action, another boat capsizes tragedy happened in Lanzarote, 25 people were killed, 1 person missing, with only 6 people survived, many of them were under age of 16.

As the result of the strict immigration control in europe, many people tried to cross the border in the most dangerous way from Africa to Europe, Andalusia as the entrance even tho it has its own unemployment over rated to 20%, many people enter from andalusia and transfer to other parts of europe to either work in the fields or the general 3D jobs. Within the high unemployment in the southen countries, people are seeking their new hope in Europe, this also giving the europe gov a good reason to blame them, the activist in the protest explained, "the gov always talking about the immigrations, and blame all the faults on them, but the problem is not about immigration, it is about this capitalist system, of how europe had over-exploited the southen countries like africa with cheap labor and nature resource."

The group of activists demanding for the human rights to immigrations, legal and illegal, and stop the exploitation in southen countries, the whole capitalist system has becoming a guillotine of the poor, rather its in the recession or flourish time of economic.

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