Korea: Protestujący postawieni w stan oskarżenia

Świat | Represje

O tym jak policja szturmowała okupowany budynek w Seulu już pisaliśmy na CIA. Sześć osób zginęło w ataku, gdy wybuchł pożar. Prokuratura postawiła zarzuty 27 protestującym, ale nie policjantom.

Jak informuje nasz czytelnik, do dziś w tej sprawie zostało oskarżonych co najmniej 20 osób. 5 z nich zostało oskarżonych o "zakłócanie porządku publicznego i morderstwo". Prawdopodobnie więcej osób zostanie oskarżonych. Policja nie poczuwa się do żadnej winy ze swojej strony. Codziennie odbywają się demonstracje w tej sprawie i wciąż trwają aresztowania - 5 demonstrantów aresztowano 31 stycznia, a co najmniej 6 osób aresztowano 7 lutego. Tego dnia policja użyła gazu oraz pojemników z farbą w celu oznaczania protestujących.


Thank you CIA !

Till today, at least 20 protesters prosecuted as far as we know.
Paticularly 5 of 20 have been prosecuted for the crime of
'public nuisance and manslaughter(murder)'.
Police had not admited their own crime and responsibility at all.
They are only charging protesters with murder.
It is seemed that more protesters to be prosecuted.

We are strongly protesting against police and prosecutor's office
of Korea.

More accurately,

More accurately, 5 protesters persecuted on charge of 'obstruction of the performance of special official duties resulting in death and bodily injury' (특수공무집행방해치사장죄). Instead, police officers are never punished. Really unbelievable. Capitalist's government and its faithful dogs say that the cause of fire is fault of protesters, but that is never truth according to many witnesses.

Informations from Seoul

Mourning and protesting rallies continuing in Seoul, almost everyday.
Arrested 5 demonstrators on 31th January,
and also 6 arrested on 7th February, at least.
on 7th police shoot water gans with blue colored water to
pursue targeted demonstrators and arrest.

We will not forget, we will not forgive.

It's pretty bad being none

It's pretty bad being none of this would have happened without the acts of the police. The state almost never holds the police responsible. We sent protest letters and tried to publicize this case. Maybe we can try to do more now. Our solidarity to the arrested and accused in their fight against the repression and to the movement in their fight against speculation and gentrification!

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