Serbia: Szóstka z Belgradu uniewinniona

Świat | Represje

Dziś odbyła się rozprawa przeciw anarchistom z Belgradu. Wszyscy zostali uniewinnieni. Sąd uznał, że prokuratura nie była w stanie udowodnić postawionych im zarzutów.

Wszyscy są na wolności. Niektórzy z uniewinnionych założyli sprawy przeciw policji i władzom więzienia.

O sprawie pisaliśmy obszernie tutaj: Sprawa szóstki z Belgradu: politycznie motywowana niesprawiedliwość

List od jednego z

List od jednego z anarchistów:

Dear comrades,

Just a short note. Today court has found us not guilty for the charges
that were presented by the Prosecutor, after changing of the original
indictment from "International terrorism" to "Creating of public
danger". All the charges against us are dropped now. The presiding judge
shortly explained that the ruling is "based on law, and not politics"
(which is indirect admitting that the whole process from the start was
politically motivated, and not rutted in facts), and that there are no
proofs to confirm that we were engaged in "helping and abetting"
(comrade Tadej and I) and "creating of public danger" (companera Sanja
and comrades Ivan S, Nikola and Ivan V). The Prosecutor has 8 days to
file a complaint, but judging by the public reactions and huge media
coverage of the ruling we don't expect to have the verdict overturned on
the higher court. Now our focus is on getting tree comrades from ASI
Vrsac freed from charges of "Obstruction of Justice" for putting up the
posters with "Free arrested anarchist" tittle, and getting passport back
to Croatian anarcho-syndicalist comrade who is kept in Serbia for 4
month. Croatian comrade is held here by the Court, with the same charge
as Vrsac comrades, for having a peace of paper with "Anarchism is not
terrorism" tittle in the hole of the Court on our first public hearing
on 17th of February, when we were released from the investigation prison
- after almost six months spent in unbelievable conditions.

Bellow are some of the media report (in Serbian) on the case:

National television:

Biggest liberal media company - B92:

Big internet news portal:

Thank you all for the support, we couldn't have done this without great
help and intense solidarity of many comrades, from Serbia and the world.

Salud y Anarquia


dobra wiadomość :-)

dobra wiadomość :-)

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