Szwajcaria: Spotkanie Grupy Bilderberg 2011

Świat | Tacy są politycy

 Rządowe limuzyny z uczestnikami spotkania. W tle biały parawan.Do niezależnych mediów przedostały się informacje na temat tegorocznego spotkania tzw. Grupy Bilderberg. Dziennikarze mediów lokalnych relacjonują o rozpoczynającym się zjeździe w hotelu Suvretta House, w alpejskim miasteczku St. Moritz. Uczestnicy będą tam przebywać prawdopodobnie do niedzieli (12.06.2011), lecz z informacji hotelowych wynika, że jest on zamknięty do 16-go czerwca. Moritz leży w niewielkiej odległości od Davos, miejsca regularnych spotkań tysięcy bankierów i przywódców politycznych na tzw. World Economic Forum. W przeciwieństwie do Davos, gdzie prasa jest zawsze mile widzians, Grupa Bilderberg próbuje zachować absolutną tajemnicę.

W tym roku policja pilnująca obrad ogłosiła alarm bombowy, który jest niekoniecznie realny, lecz skutecznie służy trzymaniu ludzi na dystans. Teren dodatkowo zasłonięto gigantyczną kurtyną. Obecni są nieliczni demonstranci.

Spotkania grupy Bilderberg organizowane są co roku. Zrzeszają ponad 100 najbardziej wpływowych osobistości z rządu, przemysłu, banków, mediów, środowiska akademickiego i wojska. Każde z dotychczasowych spotkań było utajnione przed opinią publiczną. Miejsce spotkania jest zawsze ściśle chronione przez miejscową policję i agencje rządowe.

Relacje ze Szwajcarii znalazły się w kilku europejskich serwisach informacyjnych i niektórych amerykańskich mediach niezależnych. Jednakże największe dzienniki, jak "The Washington Post" i "The New York Times", których czołowi przedstawiciele są na spotkaniu Grupy Bilderberg w Szwajcarii, nie podały jak dotąd żadnej informacji.

 Hotel Suvretta House, St. Moritz.

więcej informacji na

ale był tam Bill Gates i CEO of Google.

lista uczestnikow

* Belgium Coene, Luc, Governor, National Bank of Belgium
* Davignon, Etienne, Minister of State
* Leysen, Thomas, Chairman, Umicore

* China Fu, Ying, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Huang, Yiping, Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University

* Denmark Eldrup, Anders, CEO, DONG Energy
* Federspiel, Ulrik, Vice President, Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S
* Schütze, Peter, Member of the Executive Management, Nordea Bank AB

* Germany Ackermann, Josef, Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank
* Enders, Thomas, CEO, Airbus SAS
* Löscher, Peter, President and CEO, Siemens AG
* Nass, Matthias, Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit
* Steinbrück, Peer, Member of the Bundestag; Former Minister of Finance

* Finland Apunen, Matti, Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
* Johansson, Ole, Chairman, Confederation of the Finnish Industries EK
* Ollila, Jorma, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
* Pentikäinen, Mikael, Publisher and Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat

* France Baverez, Nicolas, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
* Bazire, Nicolas, Managing Director, Groupe Arnault /LVMH
* Castries, Henri de, Chairman and CEO, AXA
* Lévy, Maurice, Chairman and CEO, Publicis Groupe S.A.
* Montbrial, Thierry de, President, French Institute for International Relations
* Roy, Olivier, Professor of Social and Political Theory, European University Institute

* Great Britain Agius, Marcus, Chairman, Barclays PLC
* Flint, Douglas J., Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings
* Kerr, John, Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
* Lambert, Richard, Independent Non-Executive Director, Ernst & Young
* Mandelson, Peter, Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel
* Micklethwait, John, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
* Osborne, George, Chancellor of the Exchequer
* Stewart, Rory, Member of Parliament
* Taylor, J. Martin, Chairman, Syngenta International AG

* Greece David, George A., Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.
* Hardouvelis, Gikas A., Chief Economist and Head of Research, Eurobank EFG
* Papaconstantinou, George, Minister of Finance
* Tsoukalis, Loukas, President, ELIAMEP Grisons

* International Organizations Almunia, Joaquín, Vice President, European Commission
* Daele, Frans van, Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council
* Kroes, Neelie, Vice President, European Commission; Commissioner for Digital Agenda
* Lamy, Pascal, Director General, World Trade Organization
* Rompuy, Herman van, President, European Council
* Sheeran, Josette, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
* Solana Madariaga, Javier, President, ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics
* Trichet, Jean-Claude, President, European Central Bank
* Zoellick, Robert B., President, The World Bank Group

* Ireland Gallagher, Paul, Senior Counsel; Former Attorney General
* McDowell, Michael, Senior Counsel, Law Library; Former Deputy Prime Minister
* Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman, Goldman Sachs International

* Italy Bernabè, Franco, CEO, Telecom Italia SpA
* Elkann, John, Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
* Monti, Mario, President, Univers Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
* Scaroni, Paolo, CEO, Eni S.p.A.
* Tremonti, Giulio, Minister of Economy and Finance
* Canada Carney, Mark J., Governor, Bank of Canada
* Clark, Edmund, President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group
* McKenna, Frank, Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group
* Orbinksi, James, Professor of Medicine and Political Science, University of Toronto
* Prichard, J. Robert S., Chair, Torys LLP
* Reisman, Heather, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. Center, Brookings Institution

* Netherlands Bolland, Marc J., Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer Group plc
* Chavannes, Marc E., Political Columnist, NRC Handelsblad; Professor of Journalism
* Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
* H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands
* Rosenthal, Uri, Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Winter, Jaap W., Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

* Norway Myklebust, Egil, Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, sk Hydro ASA
* H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
* Ottersen, Ole Petter, Rector, University of Oslo
* Solberg, Erna, Leader of the Conservative Party

* Austria Bronner, Oscar, CEO and Publisher, Standard Medien AG
* Faymann, Werner, Federal Chancellor
* Rothensteiner, Walter, Chairman of the Board, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG
* Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

* Portugal Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
* Ferreira Alves, Clara, CEO, Claref LDA; writer
* Nogueira Leite, António, Member of the Board, José de Mello Investimentos, SGPS, SA

* Sweden Mordashov, Alexey A., CEO, Severstal
* Bildt, Carl, Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Björling, Ewa, Minister for Trade
* Wallenberg, Jacob, Chairman, Investor AB

* Switzerland Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter, Chairman, Nestlé S.A.
* Groth, Hans, Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, Pfizer Europe
* Janom Steiner, Barbara, Head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health, Canton
* Kudelski, André, Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group SA
* Leuthard, Doris, Federal Councillor
* Schmid, Martin, President, Government of the Canton Grisons
* Schweiger, Rolf, Ständerat
* Soiron, Rolf, Chairman of the Board, Holcim Ltd., Lonza Ltd.
* Vasella, Daniel L., Chairman, Novartis AG
* Witmer, Jürg, Chairman, Givaudan SA and Clariant AG

* Spain Cebrián, Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA
* Cospedal, María Dolores de, Secretary General, Partido Popular
* León Gross, Bernardino, Secretary General of the Spanish Presidency
* Nin Génova, Juan María, President and CEO, La Caixa
* H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain

* Turkey Ciliv, Süreyya, CEO, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.
* Gülek Domac, Tayyibe, Former Minister of State
* Koç, Mustafa V., Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
* Pekin, Sefika, Founding Partner, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm

* USA Alexander, Keith B., Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency
* Altman, Roger C., Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.
* Bezos, Jeff, Founder and CEO,
* Collins, Timothy C., CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
* Feldstein, Martin S., George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University
* Hoffman, Reid, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
* Hughes, Chris R., Co-founder, Facebook
* Jacobs, Kenneth M., Chairman & CEO, Lazard
* Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
* Jordan, Jr., Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
* Keane, John M., Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, US Army, Retired
* Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
* Kleinfeld, Klaus, Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
* Kravis, Henry R., Co-Chairman and co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & Co.
* Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.
* Li, Cheng, Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
* Mundie, Craig J., Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
* Orszag, Peter R., Vice Chairman, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.
* Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
* Rockefeller, David, Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank
* Rose, Charlie, Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose
* Rubin, Robert E., Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
* Schmidt, Eric, Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
* Steinberg, James B., Deputy Secretary of State
* Thiel, Peter A., President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
* Varney, Christine A., Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust
* Vaupel, James W., Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
* Warsh, Kevin, Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board
* Wolfensohn, James D., Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC

* Not on the official list, but also confirmed: Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, Secretary General of NATO ,DEN
* Merkel, Angela Dorothea, German Chancellor ,GER
* Zapatero, Jose Luis, Spanish Prim Minister ,SPA
* Gates, Bill, Former Microsoft CEO, Head of the Gates Foundation ,USA
* Gates, Robert, US Secretary of Defense ,USA

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