Teachers' strike on 27th May

Kraj | Edukacja/Prawa dziecka | English | Prawa pracownika

Headquaters of Polish Teachers' Union ( ZNP ) decided that 27th of May there will be warn teachers's strike. ZNP is now in the collective disputation with government.

In ZNP's opinion, this year rises for teachers ( increase of salaries from 185 to200 PLN ) are too small. Union depend increase of teachers' salaries and workors of edutacion in 50 % to 2010. ZNP wants also possibility to retire on previous rules.

Decision of ZNP's headquaters don't force teachers's to strike however.It will be there where majority of teachers gathering will want this form of protest.

change the translator,

change the translator, please!!!!

What do you mean?

translator as person, or maybe you think that I use program?
there isn't any better translators so I 'm tring to do this for our mission.just it.
let's find better and I can stop.

I suppose the whole world

I suppose the whole world should learn English or die.

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