Barcelona: antyszczyt wobec spotkania szefów krajów śródziemnomorskich

2010-05-29 00:00
2010-06-07 00:00

Dear comrades

On the occasion of the European Summit for the Mediterranian Union that will be celebrated in the Spanish State due to the rotating presidency of the EU, an anticapitalist and antiauthoritarian collective has decided not to remain silent in front of the provocations from the power in charge of the world crisis. We are ready to denounce the hypocrisy and the falsity of those who govern and to make the voice of the oppressed heard by any means necessary.

During this June, leaders of different countries will come to Barcelona -members of the European Union and other states as well, such as Israel and Egypt- in order to decide about topics like immigration, energy, trading, social control, tourism, etc. This set of meetings does not have any other goal than consolidating their power and managing the economic crisis, inherent to the capitalist system, to keep the social peace.

From this anticapitalist collective we make an international call so everybody who has the chance will to come to Barcelona between the 29th of May and the 7th of June in order to fight the established powers and break the silence of the social peace.

During these days in Barcelona there will be a set of acts, mobilizations and talks presented as anti-summit where we will discuss the same topics from the official summit but from an autonomous, libertarian and combative point of view. From this collective we invite all partners to join the efforts and organize themselves against the established system.

Salut and keep on fighting!

antyszczyt w Barcelonie

Czy ktoś jedzie na antyszczyt do Barcelony z Polski? Chętnie dołączę się do jakieś grupy. A.

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