
Lesbos: Pagani prison for migrants is empty!!!



Update from Mytilini

Pagani is empty!!! The last four people are released, the others are
waiting for the ferry to leave in direction athens. Today two buses full
were deported to xios.

The End!? Pagani exept four people!

Published on 31. October 2009 in Featured, Mytilini and Photos.

As it was to suspect yesterday, the detention centre of Pagani became
the ghost town of today. Pagani is know empty, except of four refugees.
It is not clear jet what will happen with them.

Today they released five buses from pagani. When the buses left eight
people remained in Pagani, a family with four members was released short
after the others. Now, there are still four single men inside. One of
them a unaccompanied minor, the other on is Abdul Hadi Otman Zahi. He
has a red card and lives in Mytilini. A few days ago he was controlled
by the Police who take his red card away and brought him to Pagani.

The released refugees are in the harbor of Mytilini right now. The ferry
to Athens was supposed to leave at six o’clock to day. Because of the
stormy weather it will not leave before midnight. Anyway, the atmosphere
in the harbor is cheerful. Every one got a ticket and there is enough
food for all.

Lesbos: Demonstration. Squat for the refugees today in Mitlini-small report



more soon by http://antira.info

so much going on here!
today in the morning the newspapers anoucing the closure of pagani and
the demontsration organised by a new formed network of solidarity with
refugees and migrants.

at noon the refugees released yeasterday who had to sleep in the cold in
the harbour open air, finnaly and after strong pressure, get tikets
for the next ferry which is tomorow.
but noone can imagine passing another night outside.

all refugees freed from pagani join the demostration holding the front

they say it is a great felling to be here and free.

after the demonstration a university building is being squated to give
shelter for the night to the refugees who can live tomorow with the ship
to athens.after 24 hours outside they all re very glad to have a warm
place to sleep.

during the demonstration we are joined by survivors of the accident
where 8 children and their mothers drawned.
also the family from germany of the one woman and her children are
joining us.

its cold but the solidarity produces a warm feeling. when we pass by the
coast guard you hear everybody shouting:

the solidarity of the coast guard is seen on the wounds of the refugees!
or in the bottom of the agean see is buried the security of the europeans.

today the mother of the one afghan boy was buried and his sister.

tomorow we expect the last 120 people to be freed from pagani.
it seemd like if it would be then empty,
but this afternoon 23 new arivers where brought there.
so lets see....

the lokal newspaper says that from now on newcomers will be brought to
hospital then to a hotel and then to the island of CHIOS in the
detention center there.
and that pagani schlould get repared because the revolts caused so much
what about the damage that pagani causes?

freedom of moovement is everybodys right
we are here and we will fight

Lesbos: Decisive days to close Pagani prison for migrants?


Today a press-conference, organised from a new local alliance, was held directly in front of the gates from Pagani, and for tomorrow, friday, a call was launched for a demonstration in Mytilini. The main respective demand is the immediate closure of Pagani (and finally of all other internment/detention-camps). On the backgound of various developments within last days it seems to be really possible, that Pagani will be closed next days! Following you find a short summary what happened last week ( see the more detailled daily reports at http://lesvos09.antira.info/) and the appeal to international solidarity-activities (fax/email-campaign) for tomorrow and in the
next days.

Wroclaw: Action in Support of Hospital


Members of ZSP Wroclaw and other related activists held a demonstration on Oct. 29 in defence of a hospital which is to be liquidated. The orthopedic-rehabilitation hospital is under threat: there have already been several protests of patients and staff. Patients, workers and social activists protested in front of the local government seat. A number of people all went inside to the meeting room with a banner and went up to the microphone and made a speech. The head of the council tried to interrupt this talk, so instead they used the bullhorn. They promised to return again with this case.

Serbia: New film featuring arrested anarchosyndicalists


At the beginning of the month was the premiere of the new film by director Zelimir Zilnik in Belgrade. The film entitled "the Old School of Capitalism" is a feature film set in Serbia, with the plot revolving around the recent wave of worker protests. There are also anarchosyndicalists in the film, played by Rata and Tadej, two of the six people arrested in Belgrade at the beginning of September.

We suppose that being Zilnik is a well-known (and quite good) director, this film should be shown at festivals and better cinemas around the world. As we know, it has also been shown in Turkey and Germany.

Crisis for Workers, not for Bosses


A few weeks ago I wrote here (in Polish) about how few firms qualify for state aid in the framework of the so-called "anti-crisis package". The anti-crisis package was a serious of measure adopted which dealt a harsh blow to workers rights and meant to lower their guarantees duing the times of crisis. Although this was originally supposed to be limited to firms hit by the crisis, the Act was changed so that all firms could qualify for introducing worse working conditions.

The "social partners" also loudly announced that there would be financial aid for those businesses that experienced a 25% drop in production or turnover. This aid was to be used, among other things, to pay for workers to go on training, or get subsidized payment, instead of being fired.

So far, only ONE firm has received this state aid. Experts claim that this is because very few Polish firms actually had such a slump during the crisis. In fact, many economic indicators were up last year and this year, including a growth in the GDP.

New Issue of Abolishing the Borders from Below


There is a new, 50-page issue of Abolishing the Borders from Below.

Some contents:

- Developement of the grassroots tenants movement in Poland
- Interview with the Antifascist Agreement from Warsaw
- In the spirit of social resistance against state terrorism
- ASI statement
- Interview with ASI members about repression in Serbia
- Gay Pride, Belgrade 6 and Hypocrisy of the Government
- A new thoughts about Belgrade. News which didn't surprise us.
- Eviction of Milada. Report from Prague about the eviction of the squat.
- Public squatting action in Prague.
- Dialog with Ahali about anarchism and the Kurdish questions.
- Interview with Resistanbul group about October's anticapitalist protests in Istanbul.
- ABC Reports from Russia and Lithuania.
- Report from the 8th General Assembly of Autonmous Action.
- Reports from Belaris from the anarchist forum and antinuclear resistance.
- Report from the ecological camp in Sevastopol. z obozu ekologicznego w Sewastopolu;
- Anarchists and the second Czechen War. About anti-war and anti-militaristic actions in Russia,
- Svitavy without nazis. Antifascist report from Czech Republic

Distribution: wielkowitsch@hotmail.com

Workers at National Stadium Construction Site not Paid; Work Stoppage Immiment


Workers at the construction site of the National Stadium in Warsaw, being built for UEFA 2012, are having trouble getting paid. There have already been some strikes and walkouts. More and more people are quitting their jobs and more work stoppage is immiment.

The work organization at the Stadium is so complex and some workers are not even sure who they are working for.

Some of the workers have no contracts at all.

The Alpine-PBG S.A.-Hydrobudowa Polska SA. Budowa group (a group including the German Alpine BAU) is divided into 12 sections. Each of these sections have a contractor which is usually a consortium of several firms, and each of these contractors use subcontractors, who in turn may use other subcontractors. This means that many workers are hired through a chain of 6-7 firms, each of which wait up to 14 days to get paid and pay the subcontractors. As a result, many workers have had delays in getting their salaries of up to 3 months.

And the salaries are very poor anyway.

Starting last month there were some work stoppages at the building site. The State Labour Inspectorate showed up but it does not seem to be doing much to improve the situation.

Next week the Union of Syndicalists will hold a demonstration at the building site. It is protesting against common abuses among contractors and subcontracting firms which are too common at building sites throughout Poland.

NO TO PATRIOTS! Antimilitarist Action During Biden's Visit to Warsaw


On Oct. 21, US Vice-President Joe Biden visited Poland as part of a four-day visit to Central Europe and the Balkans meant to seal various sorts of military deals in the region. The Campaign Against Militarism protested during his visit with the Prime Minister.

Before the protest, one activist accidentally met Biden on the way to an announced trip to the monument of the Heros of the Warsaw Ghetto and came within arms reach of the VP with a banner reading "No Patriot Missiles". Poland is trying desperately to obtain Patriot Missiles. Previously the US had offered its ass-licking ally only training versions of the missiles, without any real warheads.

Police violence against migrants and activists in Greece

Świat | English | Represje | Ruch anarchistyczny

During the past few weeks police violence against migrants and activists in Greece is becoming more and more intense. After the election of the new government, police has been given orders to intensify security checks all over Athens while areas like Exarcheia and Nikaia have been blocked in order to facilitate the "work" of the police. Arrests, body search and imprisonment of activists and migrants without justification have become commonplace. Following the death of Mohamed Kamran Atif, who has been tortured in detention at the police station of Nikaia, there was a mass demonstration. The police reacted violently, with tear gas, beatings and several arrests. During the weekend, Dimitris Parsanoglou, an anti-racist activist, has been arrested and detained without a legal representative for three days because he protested against the arrest and beating by the police of a migrant in a central spot of Athens.

These tactics employed by the new government are part of an overall plan to "protect the citizen" by openly demonstrating the ability of the state to control those who participated in the December revolt. The rise of the extreme right wing group LAOS and the xenophobic reports of the mainstream Media have played a vital role in this direction, emphasizing the need to secure Greece against foreigners and uncontrollable citizens. The Minister for the "protection of the citizen" ( the new name of the Minister of Public order) in a show of force anounced proudly in a press conference that more deportations will be enforced, while he also added (in a sensitive humanitarian tone) that deportations of minors will be stopped. Although police violence is a tradition in Greece, I think that there is something new here. Instead of trying to cover up police violence, the tactic is to publicize it "showing off" the ability of the state to be in control as a protective father taking care of all those "concerned citizens". Constructing migrants and activists as de facto threats makes police violence an "asset" in parliamentary politics, some kind of democratic achievement that seemingly draws more and more voters towards the party that can be more effective in its enforcement.

Tomorrow's Awakening for squatting and DIY media

Świat | English | Protesty | Represje | Ruch anarchistyczny

Tomorrow's Awakening for squatting and DIY media

Tomorrows issue that's like usual agenda, then...
In the time when mainstream media are lying like in USA (Metro about just 3 arrested on the last demonstration against baning the squatting in the Hague while real number was 104) we have to create/improve people's own media. So we will read from "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) some good advices how to make our own media and why is this so important.infowar
Because decision in government about baning of squatting the second main subject would be showing the good sides of squatting movement. We would read relation from the demo in the Hague and from action in Amsterdam and reflections after voting etc.
As always, we would read some ecologic advices from book"Make A Difference"...In the background like usual some fresh in our collection international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on http://www.freeteam.nl/patapoe
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:
to dawnload the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go
to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from go to:
Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.

20,000 texts on CIA


The text in Polish "Against the (EU) Treaty" written Oct. 11 is the 20,000 text on this site. The calculations of texts include news (approx. 15,000 entries) and theoretical articles (about 1000 texts), blog entries (about 1000 texts), archival texts, including PDFs and films. and texts in English (over 650). The site was launched at the end of April 2006.

Venezuela: Demarcation without land, criminalization and death for indigenous struggle


* The editorial collective of El Libertario denounces the criminal attack that took place on October 13, 2009 against the Yukpa people in the Sierra of Perija in Western Venezuela, resulting in two indigenous persons dead and several wounded. The following article –about the tactic and strategy of “Revolutionary Venezuelan” Ethnocide- describes the events.

By Jose Quintero Weir (Translation Luis J. Prat)

Old man Antonio used to say that the struggle is like a circle.
One can start anywhere
But it never ends.
Subcomandante Marcos

This past October 12 what we have been denouncing for a long time as the ethnocide and ethno-devouring strategy of the current State-government of Venezuela took place: Chavez’s ministerial team came to award so-called title deeds to three indigenous Yukpa communities in the Sierra of Perija, with the pretense to finish the process of land demarcation in the habitat belonging to these people. It is noteworthy the absence of President Chavez in an event long awaited in the Sierra since the year 2002, when, by constitutional mandate, the State was supposed to finalize the process of land demarcation in all the indigenous territories in the country. Instead, an enormous deployment of soldiers blanketed the event, supposedly for the security of the ministers (Interior and Justice, Indigenous People’s, among other functionaries present), and who, at the slightest sign of protest by those communities not favored by the event, went immediately into action to repress their demands. It was, in the end, an event by which the Yukpa had to forcefully accept the receipt of NOTHING.

St.Petersburg, Newspaper of Anarchist Black Cross 3rd issue is out


Third issue of Black Cross - newspaper of St.Petersburg ABC group - was out in September 2009. It features the following materials: hunger strike in solidarity with artist Artyom Loskutov, arrested in Novosibirsk; cases of Aleksei Bychin in St. Petersburg and Artur Valeev in Kazan (antifascists convicted for fighting back nazis); interview with anarchists from Latvia about a riot that broke out in Riga in January and prosecution of its participants; Harold Thompson obituary; case of Serbian anarcho-syndicalists accused of terrorism; hunger strike of Thodoris Iliopulos in Greece; repressions against antifascists in Izhevsk and Moscow; review of an autobiographical book by Lidia Chukovskaya (who was a member of an anarchist group in Leningrad in 1920s), review of "Helping Hand" (Crowd Control / Agathocles split cd, benefit for ABC) and information on another benefit compilation cd called "Destroying Prisons". In the "history of resistance" section there is an article about anarchist Andrey Andreev (1882-1962) who spent 20 years in Russian prisons. There is also a couple of letters, a list of addresses of imprisoned activists all over the world and some other stuff.

Your donations for the paper and just to support our ABC group will be
very appreciated.

Anarchist Black Cross - St.Petersburg
Contacts: P.O. Box 32, St. Petersburg, 194291, Russia
e-mail - a4kpiter (at) gmail.com

You can download the paper from http://bakunista.nadir.org/ website.

Union spin on bum deal for airline workers


At the end of September, unions held a protest in front of the Ministry of the State Treasury concerning the restructurization and proposed dismissal of workers at LOT Polish Airlines. The first sign that something was not right was that almost no workers from LOT were in attendance. Instead, there was a large group of mostly paid activists and union officials, the overwhelming majority of which were from the railways.

LOT had announced that it wanted to cut about 900 jobs. At least one union announced that it was looking to negotiate a 30 per cent pay cut instead of job cuts.

Then LOT told the unions not to worry, that they only wanted to cut 450 jobs. The unions were "so angry" that they had not been invited to negotiate. They filed a claim in court, held a show protest and were eventually invited for talks.

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