
State Control over the Internet and Blogosphere in Belarus


Everyone is guaranteed freedom of thoughts and beliefs and their free expression. No one shall be forced to express one’s beliefs or to deny them. No monopolization of the mass media by the State, public associations or individual citizens and no censorship shall be permitted.
Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus


The Internet exists over frontiers and boundaries, it functions as a complicated open system, rather chaotic than centralized. And of course this sphere of freedom is an irritant for the governments, corporations, conservatives and secret services, who are eager to spread their control over it. It is impossible to control the Internet as a very complicated and open information system. At the same time it is easy to track down an individual, spreading information there, if he or she is not maneuvering enough to use the methods to avoid this control, such as switching off the IP or Tor.

Moreover, the introduction of the neoliberal regulation into the net, exactly in the same way, as it was recently done in the sphere of education, medicine and housing, destroys social networks and establishes market regulations in the sphere of information, including news, free software, films and music download, torrents trackers and file share.

Request for international solidarity - EULEN Conflict


EULEN is a company basically dedicated to the service sector (cleaning, maintenance, social healthcare services, security, etc. ) specializing in subcontracting services to the public administration and to large companies.

It is therefore one of the main spearheads of privatization and outsourcing of public services and the worsening of working conditions, even having its temporary work agency, FLEXIPLAN.

The conflict started in the University of Córdoba where EULEN has a contract for maintenance and gardening services. After several unsatisified demands, a case was started against EULEN and the University of Córdoba for illegal transfer of workers and there was a ruling against the University, forcing it to hire the comrade who filed the lawsuit.

Anarchosyndicalist methods


A text from the French CNT-AIT written in March 2006, covering anarchosyndicalist tactics and strategy.


The following text was written to help people discover, remind themselves or popularize the various syndicalist methods of struggle because in any battle, one must start from a few key ideas:

Hitting the enemy harder than they can hit you, or better - hitting them so they can't hit back.

Analysing the power balance:

-How great are our numbers
-How much other workers and the general population will sympathise with or reject our struggle
-What are our financial constraints, ie. financial and material resources available to continue the fight

Avoiding exhaustion: fighting too arduously from the start can be a weakness: the employers are prepared to overcome short term difficulties by transferring production, resuming production in other places, maintaining stocks, using scabs, financial reserves, etc.

Knowing how to stop a fight, avoiding fighting to the end when the situation is unfavourable. A continued minority occupation of a business ends up offering the boss discontented people who can he can turn against the strikers. Wages lost become so great that resuming a struggle becomes difficult. Disillusionment makes mobilisation harder.



On July 29, some people with different political views were arrested. They are suspected in involvement in an protest action in Khimky city near Moscow the previous day. Among them is well known libertarian activist and antifascist Alexey Gaskarov. They are charged without any proof in organization of attack against city administration building. The defendants face up to 7 years of prison on charges of «hooliganism» and organization of mass disorder. New arrests are
taking place. It is obvious that the authorities try clearly to discredit and to crush oppositional movements in Russia.

We call libertarian and antifascist activists of whole world to show
solidarity with arrested anarchist comrade.

Russia: Worker Dies from Heat at AutoVaz Factory


A 19 year old woman died from the heat in the AutoVaz factory in Togliatti.
It was 35 degrees C (95 F) and she felt weak and asked if she could have a break to take a shower. She wasn't permitted but asked again later. But it was already too late. She died in the workplace.

In the metallurgical shop at Togliatti, people often have to be taken to hospital during the heat. A worker had also died there 2-3 weeks earlier.

On arrests after direct action in Khimki 28th of July


Today (30th of July) names of two activists, arrested in related to criminal
case on “hooliganism” after attack against city administration of city of
Khimki in Moscow region 28th of July were published in maintream news –
Aleksey Gaskarov and Maksim Solopov.

We will not now remind about details of corruption and violations, connected
to construction of new Moscow – St. Petersburg highway through Khimki forest,
or the protest campaign against it, as you may read about all of this in our
website in respective section. Obviously, these arrests were just yet another
confirmation of the pathetic unity, which was recently reached between
regional and federal authorities, big business, local police and right-wing
football hooligans, which all together protected against eco-camp of those
protesting the clearing the forest from the highway.

Moscow / Khimki: The Battle with the Adminstration Heats Up


In recent days, the battle to stop the destruction of the forest in the Moscow suburb of Khimki has heated up. Activists have been protesting the building of an $8 million high speed toll highway between Moscow and Petersburg. This highway would destroy beautiful forestland around Moscow. Environmentalists say the highway can bypass the old oak forest.

The flashpoint has been in Khimki, right outside Moscow. There is a history of violence sponsored by the local authorities in this town. In the most famous case of political terrorism, in November 2008, Mikhail Beketov, outspoken editor-in-chief of the regional Khimskaya Prada newspaper, was savagely beaten in front of his home. The attack was clearly related to his criticism of local authorities. As a result of his injuries one of his legs was amputated, and head traumas he suffered during the attack have left him unable to speak. Current reports on his condition indicate that his second leg may have to be amputated.

Khimki authorities thus have a reputation for dealing brutally with anybody who dares oppose them.

„The people have nothing to lose…“ – Interview with an Romanian Anarchosyndicalist


The following Interview was first published on the 29th May 2010 in a German Version on Syndikalismus.tk

The following Interview about the announced social cuts of the Romanian Government was done with the Comrade Diogenes (30) from Bucharest. He is Anarcho-Syndicalist and a socialworker under contract by the town of Bucharest. From the announced payment-cuts and layoffs he is directly affected.

Syndikalismus.tk: On 19th of may went more then 50.000 workers, teachers and pensioners in Bucharest on the streets. In the shouted slogans they demand the withdrawal of the government. Do you think the demonstration was an success and that the government will take back their decisions of the social- and money cuts? What do you think about the demonstration from 19th of may?

Warsaw, Ukraine: Aerobud notified


The Ukrainian company Aerobud, which did not pay its workers in Leszno, Poland, was visited in Warsaw and notified of the beginning of an information campaign about its practices. The media has already picked up the topic in the Ukraine. The company, should it fail to regulate its debts, will probably be visited with protests this week.

One solution: freedom of movement for immigrants


International campaign of European organizations in the Anarkismo network

In recent years, xenophobia, racism, and fear of the economic impact of migrations have risen to dominate the political debates within many European countries.

Immigration is an inevitable effect of the economic and military policies conducted by European states; the concerted efforts to prevent it are the result of racism and an unwillingness to face domestic consequences.

The response from the erstwhile heralds of globalization has been to adopt a range of measures aimed at preventing migration. Europe has adopted common migration frameworks, signed treaties regulating the rights of refugees, and strengthened migration controls at Europe's periphery. The underlying assumption has been that these people must be kept out. In the process of restricting immigration, European countries have violated international human rights conventions.

WSA on The BP Oil Spill


Sometimes we spend so much time focusing on past events that we forget the alarming and most damning evidence against Capitalism and the State is right in the headlines of the New York Times. The BP oil spill is a perfect example of this.

In case you haven’t been following the news recently, here is a brief summary of the crisis: America’s largest offshore oil spill and one of the world’s biggest, with some 10 million gallons of oil polluting the gulf, resulted after an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon, which left 11 workers dead and 17 injured. The blowout at BP’s oil rig has affected commercial fishing and service industries reliant on tourism all the more while continuing to harm the rich and vibrant cultures that are interconnected with many workers that make a living fishing and as service workers in the tourism industry.

Italy: Factories like barracks: FIAT chooses the path of sackings and repression statement by FdCA Labour Commission


Following the high percentage of NO votes, abstentions and blank votes at Pomigliano against the agreement signed by the CISL, UIL, UGL and FISMIC, FIAT has begun what can only be described as reprisals against FIOM and SLAI-Cobas members and activists in factories throughout the country.

The climate of intimidation in Pomigliano remains heavy after the courageous NO vote in the workers' referendum and there are now widespread fears that the birth of the NewCo will lead to mass lay-offs. FIAT has responded in a very heavy-handed manner to the wave of strikes at the Melfi, Mirafiori, Termoli and Cassino plants against the changes in shift patterns and the refusal to pay performance bonuses, but above all against the sackings at the SATA plant in Melfi and at the Mirafiori plant. And now a worker from Termoli has been fired. Who will be next?

Barcelona: CNT Occupies the Health Department to Protest the Dismissal of 107 workers in the 061


As part of the campaign for the reinstatement of 107 Catalan 061* service workers fired in March, a couple dozen activists from the CNT occupied the headquarters of the Department of Health on the afternoon of July 23 to demand a meeting with the System of Medical Emergencies (SEM).

(*Note: 061 is the phone number to dial for medical emergencies.)

For some months, the Syndical Section has been carrying out a series of legal and union actions against the company ATENTO, which manages the service, to denounce the injustice and illegality of the firings.

Because of the reluctance of the company to negotiate with CNT, it was decided to escalate the struggle, while also pressing the Department of Health, which is also considered responsible for the situation of the dismissed comrades. It is unacceptable that the Department supports the attitude of ATENTO, allowing the company to systematically ignore the rights of their workers, in a service so essential to the welfare of the population like the SEM.

On account of the SEM's continued refusal to meet with workers, the CNT decided to occupy the premises of the Department of Health to demand a meeting to address the situation of the redundant workers. The occupation went absolutely smoothly, without incident. The occupiers waited inside while our comrades met with representatives of the Department.

Atomic Death in Riga


On its 5th stop the anti-nuclear “Baltic Sea Info Tour” visited Riga, the capital of Latvia. As in St. Petersburg, the weather was incredibly hot and we had three days full of actions and events from July 11-13. Many people in Latvia don't know much about nuclear energy and the impacts of this dangerous form of energy generation. Latvia has no own nuclear power plants. Besides the local residents we reached masses of tourists from all countries around the sea, as Riga seems to be a popular place for holidays...

Anti-nuclear Infotour in Riga

The Sunday we had a 3 hour network meeting in the afternoon, where we went deeper into the preparation of a brochure about nuclear facilities around the Baltic Sea which is a project connected to the Tour and we chatted about the Olkiluoto blockade which is going to take place just one week after the last stop of the Tour in Finland. The rest of the day was filled with action preparation for the next days. While some people wrote a flyer about effects of the radioactivity of the Baltic Sea for the normal population, others built a coffin from cardboard, which was to be used in a performance the next day.

Kazakhstan: state repression against the rising labor movement


The situation in Kazakhstan worse. The workers especially in the enterprises of oil and gas sector has not abated, and gaining its momentum. The epicenter of the action becomes a western Kazakhstan, where the number of labor disputes from March of this year increased, and a prime example for the workers was a successful spring mass strike zhanaozenskih oil. Radicalization of demands and militant demonstrations and strikes were met with arrests by the authorities and the courts over the leaders of the protesting workers.

The strike wave swept across many companies KazMunaiGaz, covering in early June divisions EmbaMunaiGas and spread in the Chinese fiefdom - "CNPC-Aktobemunaigaz in Aktobe region.Then on July 1 outburst of discontent payroll thundered at "Zhayykmunaygaze" in Atyrau region. While atand presentations were incremental and can speak with confidence about the symptoms of impending general strike oil.

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